- Home face lotion for female face
- Acne Mask for oily face
- Covers for Skin Rejuvenation
- Microdermabrasion Masks and skin care
- Moisturizing Face
- Cover with spinach of skin wrinkles around the eyes
- Ablution problematic facial skin
- Honey Mask of skin wrinkles around a skin eyes
- Grinding skin at home
- Grinding face at home
- Moisturizing a facial skin - as well an great step, how it turns out that, in preserving a fine there is nothing unimportant
- Means of purifying the facial skin - it's not makeup remover
- Excellent pores cover with eggs white
- Potato cover has always been one of the most efficacious, and against skin wrinkles around the eyes are also excellent help
Raspberry wrinkles
Mask with beaten egg helps to smooth out wrinkles. To add protein mashed raspberries (2 teaspoon), stirred for 20 min, put on the face and Thoroughly wash off with cool water.
Skin wrinkles appear later, if each reasonable to wipe the skin of cosmetic ice cubes decoction of leaves of raspberry and lime blossom, or cubes of frozen raspberry extract. Having wrinkles will smooth out, it will be good if you will not Carefully wash with aqua with the tap, and the like broth, diluting it with boiled water.
Refreshes any type of mask from raspberry extract and milk. Natural milk and juice are mix in equal parts, dipped in this mixing and gauze for 15-20 min, use them to the face. Sluice with heartwarming water. In a like method to make a cover for very dry skin, if after sun face how it tightens.
For dry skin face lotion is prepared by diluting a breeding juice (1:1) broth celandine and daisies, a person wipe it each day.
Combination and combination facial skin can be cleaned with raspberry lotion infused vodka.
Read more -->How to prevent skin wrinkles around the eyes
To prevent this, we should also begin early in life to take care of the skin around the eyes.
In addition, you must choose the right to care and color cosmetics, do not forget about the folk remedies: you help to smooth existing wrinkles around the eyes and prevent a emergence of new ones.
Recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetics are how simple that many tools are easy to prepare and use at home, and still have great results - it is the men's their money ofttimes make miracles.
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. . . . . . Read more -->Face masks Raspberry
Dry skin is rightly hydrated and fed with a mixture of raspberry juice (1 teaspoonful) with a raw chicken egg. A person want be greased with fat cream, and put on a mix up for 30 minutes. After ablution with warm water, you can optionally re-apply a like cream.
For dry and normal face moisturizing cover fits with some oil (1 tsp.) and milk (1 spoon) Throw in butter and natural milk to chicken egg and raspberries (4-5 pcs.), All fine ground and add to oat floury if a mixing is too runny. A cover is applied to a skin for Fifteen minutes so Thoroughly wash with soft and cool water.
In normal facial skin makes a similar mask, but a yolk to append not just raspberry juice (1 teaspoonful), but the same capacity of olive butter and sour cream. Flour if indispensable, add more barley. Raspberry leaf prepare a bisque, and steamed over him face, then on 20 minutes put on it the mix.
Read more -->Grinding face at home
After the treatment a facial skin is red, and tingling felt for some time. Less than one day it all goes away, but a street is perfect at this time to go, so this cover is good to do on a weekends. A skin may peel off a little for a any hours, but it is as well - should apply a moisturizer on a skin type, but not immediately after the procedure.
To address a problems with a skin, a cover with concoctions to do each 7 days, for a total of at least 21 minutes. After a few treatments the face becomes lighter, will present organic color, and scars and bumps will be smoothed.
Must not be used for extended bodyagu vessels in the facial skin, inflammation, irritation, sensitive and thin skin also does not tolerate such procedures.
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. . . Read more -->Masks for cleansing young facial skin
To cleanse young skin to a any minutes a week to make a cover with oatmeal and protein. Crushed flakes (1 cup) mixed with baking yolk (1 tablespoon), and use 1 tbsp a mixing, stirring it in cool aqua. Slurry is used to damp skin, gently massage 1-TWO minutes, then keep this mask for about the size of 10 min. Removed with a cotton swab, soaking them in cold-blooded water.
Very simple version - the mask of drugstore tincture of calendula and common child powderise - earlier it was sold in the drugstore. Powder (1 tablespoon) mixed with calendula, make a thick paste and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. Removed in a like method so a previous mask.
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Most ofttimes, a issue is oily face - here we mean the tendency to a formation of acne and blackheads. Their skin demands constant cleaning to it could clog a pores and become inflamed. Soft water, as ordinary, it is not required to bath - this salootdelenie becomes more intense, and a pores of a facial skin increases.
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