- Home face lotion for female face
- Acne Mask for oily face
- Covers for Skin Rejuvenation
- Microdermabrasion Masks and skin care
- Moisturizing Face
- Cover with spinach of skin wrinkles around the eyes
- Ablution problematic facial skin
- Honey Mask of skin wrinkles around a skin eyes
- Grinding skin at home
- Grinding face at home
- Moisturizing a facial skin - as well an great step, how it turns out that, in preserving a fine there is nothing unimportant
- Means of purifying the facial skin - it's not makeup remover
- Excellent pores cover with eggs white
- Potato cover has always been one of the most efficacious, and against skin wrinkles around the eyes are also excellent help
Home lotions for face rejuvenation
Goodness home rejuvenate facial skin lotions.
Peppermint face lotion: 4-5 tbsp chopped good mint or 2 tablespoon dry pour boiling h2o (1 L) and 10 minutes simmered. Cooled, strain, add to 1 tsp grapefruit breeding juice and big apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. Calendula tincture and 4 tsp. Boric alcohol, blend well, pour into a colored glass bottle and store in refrigerator. Wipe this lotion should skin in the early and evening - a color of the face will improve, it will be healthier and younger.
Lotion parsley prepared somewhat differently. Very dry (or recent chopped) leaves and roots of plants (1 tbsp) boiled water and 1/2 an hour in a h2o bath heat; insist hour, strain, and throw in the dry white white wine (50-70 g).
Read more -->Cover with spinach of wrinkles around a skin eyes
Strong antioxidant capacity has spinach, and masks with them eliminate skin wrinkles around a skin eyes, do finer skin wrinkles and ensure prevention of new ones. Spinach (TWO sweet sheet) must be closely mash with a fork and squeeze a juice out of it, then mix 1 teaspoonful the extract with 10 grams of oil solution of vitamins A and 1 teaspoonful fluid or gel to a face around the eye, which you would normally use. This mask is applied to a space under a skin eyes for 0.5 an hour, and then closely remove soaked in coldness boiled natural milk cosmetic discs.
Mask of big banana and apricot of wrinkles around the eyes
Cover of medium banana pulp with cream or sour cream making a skin gentle and supple, nourishes it and reduces wrinkles. To mix 1 teaspoon both, to put on the eyes, hold for Fifteen minutes and rinse with warm aqua.
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. . . Read more -->Home lotion for combination facial skin
For a part of a carefully leaving of female facial skin prone to inflammation and acne, make good use of home-based face lotion chamomile. Should pour stewing water (200 ml) dry chamomile flowers (2 tsp.), and seethe them for 5-7 min on poor warmth. Later removing with heat, cooled soup, strain, add honey (1 teaspoonful), stir and rub the face 2-3 times a day. Chamomile can be taken instead of sage.
Brownness spots and freckles
Besides acne, acne and inflammation, there are other face conditions - pigmentation, scaling, etc.
If you keep along appeared freckles, age spots, so a facial skin and neck need clean the fresh birch sap - this care helps with acne.
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. . . Read more -->Moisturizing Face
Moisturizing the skin - as well an significant step, however it turns out that, in preserving a lovely there is nothing unimportant. When a facial skin is correctly hydrated, it is much later skin wrinkle - this as well applies to men. A human aging body is more than TWO/3 of a aqua, however when cells lose it, the elasticity of a face is as well lost, it is covered with skin wrinkles and aging.
Use best moisturizer for you, but do not forget that the facial skin and moisture has inside - how correctly so diet food.
You may have heard that we need drink more pure water - it is true. Of course, do not fill with water "to a back of the head," but some 2-TWO.5 liters per time to drink stands, and even change milk, coffee and soft drinks herbal teas, fresh fresh juice and organic compote.
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. . . Read more -->Raspberry wrinkles
Cover with beaten eggs helps to shine out skin wrinkles. To throw in protein mashed raspberries (TWO tsp), stirred for 20 min, put on a face and Thoroughly wash off with cool water.
Skin wrinkles appear later, if every satisfying to wipe a facial skin of cosmetic ice cubes decoction of leaves of raspberry and lime blossom, or cubes of frozen raspberry breeding juice. Having skin wrinkles will polish out, it will be correct if you will not ablution with aqua with the tap, and a like broth, diluting it with boiled water.
Refreshes the type of cover from raspberry juice and natural milk. Natural milk and juice are assorted in equal parts, dipped in this mixing and gauze for 15-20 min, apply them to the skin. Ablution with soft aqua. In a like method to do a cover for dry facial skin, if later sun face as it tightens.
For dry facial skin lotion is prepared by diluting a fresh juice (1:1) broth celandine and daisies, a person wipe it every day.
Oily and combination face may be cleaned with raspberry lotion infused vodka.
Read more -->Facial skin covers Raspberry
Dry skin is well hydrated and fed with a mixture of raspberry juice (1 tsp.) with a raw chicken egg. A person want be greased with fat cream, and put on a combine for Thirty minutes. After wash with heartwarming water, you can optionally re-apply a like cream.
For dry and normal skin moisturizing mask fits with some oil (1 tsp.) and natural milk (1 soup spoon) Add natural butter and milk to chicken egg and raspberries (4-5 pcs.), All good ground and add oat mealy if a mix is too runny. The mask is applied to the skin for Fifteen minutes and then ablution with soft and cool aqua.
In normal skin making a similar mask, but a yolk to append not just raspberry juice (1 teaspoon), but the like amount of olive oil and sour serum. Flour if necessary, throw in more barley. Raspberry leaf prepare a soup, and steamed over him skin, and then on 20 minutes put on it a mixing.
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