топ 20 секс шопы в Архангельске.
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- Facial skin irritation. However to treat irritated facial skin: folk remedies
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- Cover with spinach of wrinkles around a skin eyes
- Moisturizing a facial skin - as well an great step, how it turns out that, in preserving a fine there is nothing unimportant
- Means of purifying the facial skin - it's not makeup remover
- Excellent pores cover with eggs white
- Potato cover has always been one of the most efficacious, and against skin wrinkles around the eyes are also excellent help
Acne Mask for young skin
Prevents acne cover with herbs and zinc powder. Chopped green mint and cilantro (1 tablespoon) assorted with a some cold-blooded water, add to the zinc powderise, stir and apply for 15 minutes on a matter areas. Rinse with cool h2o.
If a facial skin is struck by acne and acne, it is required to create protein-camphor mask: to throw in the whipped eggs white camphor alcohol (10-15 drops), and a small grapefruit juice. Apply cover to the face, and hold until very dry. A resulting film is washed off with aqua at rooms temperature.
Mask with peppermint and starch refreshes and tones female skin, giving it a lightness matte beautify. Recent mint leaves are crushed, pour raw materials (3 tbsp) cups of stewing aqua, cover and leave for 30 minutes. It is possible to pick up a very dry mint - it's enough 1 tablespoon Infusion mix with starch slurry and applied to the face for 20 min. Ablution off with hot aqua. In general, with any exceptions, the mask for problematic female skin ever water-washed with cold or lukewarm water.
Homemade lotion for young skin
For the daily attention of dry skin prone to inflammation and acne, create good apply of home-based lotion chamomile. Want pour boiling h2o (200 ml) dry chamomile flowers (TWO teaspoonful), and seethe them for 5-7 minutes on lower heating. After removing from heat, cooled broth, strain, throw in natural honey (1 teaspoonful), stir and rub the skin TWO-3 minutes per day. Chamomile may be taken instead of sage.
Chocolate-brown spots and freckles
Besides acne, acne and inflammation, there are other face conditions - pigmentation, scaling, etc.
If you have yet appeared freckles, age spots, then a facial skin and neck skin need clean out a good birch sap - this attention helps with acne.
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