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The basic reason for skin peeling
Protective cream that is suitable for the time of year, you must use mandatory, but to apply it not later than 1/2 an hour earlier going outside.
Choosing a moisturizer, it is best to take those with enough fat components - they prevent a evaporation of moisture, making a kind of protective barrier for the facial skin. In a pinch, It is possible to apply simple Vaseline or baby cream, how, appeal to a expert will not be superfluous, if a peeling can not even win.
As to have rid of flaky skin
Treatment peeling skin
For the treatment of peeling skin may use hydrocortisone serum - its capacity need not exceed 0.5%. Handle the issue areas should be regularly: once per day for some 2 weeks, but do not delay this treatment, however hydrocortisone - is a cure and not cosmetics.
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